Favorites / What I'm Reading

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I seem to go in spurts, I get really excited about an author and then read everything that they have written. Currently I am reading everything that Seth Godin has written. I must say that the past month has been most interesting (I quit my job in July). I have never been more scared, excited, inspired, depressed in my life. Seth's writing has inspired me to achieve more in whatever my next step will be and validated many of the reasons that I needed to leave. I recently read THE DIP and am nearly finished with TRIBES.

I am also reading Keith Farrazzi's WHO'S GOT YOUR BACK. I have read NEVER EAT ALONE and must say that I plan to re-read it again soon. Many valuable concepts that I have used in my job search.

One thing that is true is that there are jobs out there, even in this economy, but they are not going to come to you. It was only when I did a bit of self evaluation that I realized that if I turned this thing around and used my network to help me position myself as a person who can add value to an organization, the doors started to open.

I was always very critical of myself, that I did not spend enough time cultivating my network. I realize now that I was doing it part-time. I look at the generosity that has been given to me in my time of need and think to myself that if I spend more time building relationships, I will have a much happier life (both personally and professionally).

I am interested if anyone has had a similar experience and if so what networking tools seemed to work well for you....

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