Favorites / What I'm Reading

Friday, September 11, 2009

Career Renegade -

Recently finished Career Renegade by Jonathan Fields. A very good book with a ton of useful information for anyone looking to make a change in their career and focus on doing what they love and actually make some money at it.

Some "nuggets" from the book:

bubbl.us - a brainstorming on-line mind mapping tool
freemind - www.freemind.sourceforge.net another free mindmapping tool
popurls.com - a website that aggregates what is hot all of the major social media hubs

Create a blog and sign up as a publisher with Google adsense, google will serve up ads on your blog, you collect revenue

Book: Problogger: Secrets for blogging your way to a six figure income

Place a hire me page on your blog. look at remarkablogger.com and chrisbrogan.com

Website: copyblogger.com

Teach an online course, check out teachingsells.com, teach-nology.com

If you want to franchise your business, check out franchise.com, franchisetimes.com, franchise.org, franchiseperfection.com/blog, the franchise king blog

If you want to produce a video look at metacafe's producer rewards program

Entrepreneurs-jorney.com, cnx.org - hub for people looking to collaborate in creating education materials

Attend the SOBCon conference in Chicago

How to create a business plan: 10 questions with Tim Berry, on Guy Kawasaki's blog

Search engine optimization: http://tools.seobook.com

Use google trends, seobook.com, clusty.com

Use clickbank.com to promote your product

find out what is hot on ebay http://pages.ebay.com/sellercentral/catalog.html

book: ultimate guide to google adwords - Perry Marshall

use facebook polls

use itunes for free podcasts look at podcasts, then education

other video education sites:

use opencoursewear

wordpress for blogging

brazen careerist.com

use blogfuse to publish your blog posts to your facebook page

use linkedin answers

yahoo buzz

podcasts about poscasting on itunes

career renegade.com

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